Alisha Beal, LMFT

Alisha Beal, LMFT

CA 101555,TX #203787,NV #2805,OR #T1768

  • Profile ImageLevel 4 Tooltip information for Level 4TEAM-CBT certification has five levels based on training and mastery in TEAM CBT therapy skills— From Level 1 TEAM CBT therapist, through Level 5 TEAM-CBT Master Therapist & Trainer.
  • (Alisha Beal is certified in TEAM-CBT, but is not a Feeling Good Institute Therapists. Please contact Alisha Beal directly.)


  • Individual Therapy (Age 18+)
  • Intensive therapy
  • Clinical Consultation/Supervision
  • Telemental Health
  • TEAM-CBT Training And Consultation
  • Adolescent Therapy (Age 13-17)

I Work With

  • Adults (Age 18+)
  • Adolescents (Age 13-17)


  • Anxiety/Fears/Phobias/Worries
  • Attention Concerns/ADD/ADHD
  • Autism/Aspergers Related Struggles
  • Dating Concerns
  • Depression
  • Life Transitions
  • Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)
  • Panic Attacks
  • Procrastination or Motivational Problems
  • PTSD/Trauma
  • Relationship Concerns
  • Self Esteem
  • Sleep Concerns/Insomnia
  • Stress

About My Practice

* Please note my new email is:
Life can be difficult and it can be hard to ask for help. Some people have never had therapy and don’t know what to expect, while others have been in therapy for years only to find that they continue to have the same problems year after year. Finding an effective therapist that you are truly comfortable with can feel like an impossible task, yet finding the right fit can be life changing. 
I strive to provide a warm, genuine, and safe environment to enable you to be your authentic self, let your walls down, and encourage you to live the life that you want. My goal is to help you manage life’s challenges more effectively, improve your ability to cope, and learn to live a more meaningful life. I specialize in working with teens and adults who struggle with a variety of difficulties including depression, anxiety, trauma, low self-esteem, perfectionism, and more. I practice primarily in California, but also hold licenses in Nevada, Texas and Oregon, where I provide tele-health services. 
I am trained in a variety of therapeutic approaches which are tailored to my clients needs, ranging from present-focused cognitive tools to past-focused trauma approaches. In my practice, I combine these approaches to provide people with the ability to focus on the present while also having the option to work through their past to create long-lasting change. I also have 10 years of experience working with individuals who have a dual diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder and another mental health diagnosis. Please see my website for more information about my practice:
Asking for help can feel scary, but it might be the first step towards living the life you want. Please reach out to schedule a free 15-minute consultation if you think we may be a good fit to work together.

CA, United States
  • Phone :(650) 933-5608
  • Email
  • Website