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FGI Statement of Solidarity to End Racial Injustices
It is with heavy hearts that we write to you today. The clinicians at Feeling Good Institute want to acknowledge the sadness, anger and grief many of you have been feeling. We too are outraged and devastated by these fresh reminders of an ongoing history of oppression. The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others have brought to national attention truths about racial inequalities that mark too many of our communities.
To our Black community members:
We are listening. We feel your pain. We condemn the injustices.
The system of racism has also left its mark on the therapy profession. As mental health professionals, it is our moral duty to act within our sphere of influence to confront institutionalized racism. In recent weeks, we have been grieving, processing, and feeling anger. In the process of self-examination, we found that we can improve on several levels in our organization. We are listening, learning, and trying to do better.
Below are some initiatives we are taking to do better:
- Formation of a diversity committee to identify opportunities for inclusion, gain insight, and identify opportunities for us to improve.
- Take steps to make our TEAM-CBT trainings accessible to more clinicians with the goal of increasing diversity in the TEAM-CBT clinician pool and trainer ranks.
- Improve the cultural knowledge, anti-racist stance, and cultural humility of our clinicians.
If you would like to help us grow and do better, please direct your feedback and suggestions to Clinical Director, Angela Krumm.
“There is justice. There is injustice. There is no neutrality. No sideline. No bleachers. No exits. We are all in the human rights struggle to save humanity from human tyranny. Black people, especially, are struggling for the right to live, for the right to breathe.”