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Comparing In-Person to Videoconference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Research Brief
Comparing In-Person to Videoconference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Randomized Controlled Trial
J Med Internet Res. 2013 Nov; 15(11): e258.
Teletherapy for mental health treatment has continued to remain popular after the increase during the COVID-19 pandemic. But is teletherapy as effective as in-person therapy? This study (Stubbings et. al, 2013) shows it is.
CBT has demonstrated efficacy for treating mood and anxiety disorders. It is a time-limited and structured therapy that aims to help clients identify and test unhelpful cognitions and correct maladaptive behaviors. This study set out to determine if CBT administered via videoconference was as effective as in-person therapy for mood and anxiety disorders..
The results show that both in-person and videoconference therapies are equally successful in significantly reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress and increasing quality of life. The convenience of doing therapy from home provides access to a larger demographic of the population, giving them the opportunity to benefit from life changing mental health advancements.
Highlights from the Study
“The findings of this controlled trial indicate that CBT was effective in significantly reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress and increasing the quality of life in both in-person and videoconferencing conditions, with no significant differences being observed between the two.”
This finding is consistent with prior CBT meta-analysis research [66,67] and prior telepsychology research [18,25-27,68-71].
“...CBT treatment administered via videoconference is not inferior to treatment provided in-person.”
“Client and therapist ratings of the working alliance were high in both the in-person and videoconferencing conditions.”
“The inclusion of a mixed diagnostic client cohort with comorbid diagnosis is a strength of this study.”
“The results of this controlled trial provide important evidence to justify the greater use of videoconferencing to bridge the gap in service provision to populations who would otherwise not receive effective psychological treatments.”
At Feeling Good Institute, we believe in access to progressive CBT techniques and quality therapy for everyone whether it is in-person or online. We emphasize an evidence-based approach and select treatments that are based on the latest scientific evidence.
Learn about the essential skills for effective cognitive behavior therapy and how we set therapists up for success.
Research Brief Author: Jill Kelly, LCSW
Citation: Stubbings DR, Rees CS, Roberts LD, Kane RT. Comparing in-person to videoconference-based cognitive behavioral therapy for mood and anxiety disorders: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2013 Nov 19;15(11):e258. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2564. PMID: 24252663; PMCID: PMC3842436.