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Get to Know Cody Sweeney, MA, LPC
Cody Sweeney, MA, LPC discovered TEAM-CBT while listening to Dr. David Burns, who was a guest on a podcast he was listening to at the time.
Let’s discover more about his experience…
TEAM-CBT Certified since…
March 30th, 2022
How did you discover TEAM-CBT?
David was a guest on a podcast I was listening to. His description of depression resonated with me. He explained that depression was anytime a person had a thought with the theme of "I'm worthless" even for a few seconds. This helped me connect ideas I learned in sociology with mental health treatment. In my opinion, conceptualizing depression like this explains why we see changes in suicide rates depending on culture, economic status, and how society changes over time.
What are your specialties / clients you love to work with?
I have an interest in illness anxiety disorder, somatic symptom disorder, and functional neurological disorder (FND).
What is your favorite TEAM-CBT technique?
Externalization of Voices, (And the hidden emotion model)
What are you reading or listening to?
I’m currently reading “A Clinician’s Guide to Functional Neurological Disorder: A Practical Neuropsychological Approach.”
I’ve been into a Japanese punk band called Otoboke Beaver.
Please share a fun fact about yourself.
I pace a lot, I have spent an embarrassing amount of time walking the same path over and over. If you look hard enough you can see it on my carpet. It helps me think!
Connect with Cody on LinkedIn
Cody practices TEAM therapy, a framework for effective psychotherapy developed by Dr. David Burns. If you're interested in learning more, please reach out to Cody Sweeney, MA, LPC to book a free consultation.
You can learn more about Feeling Good Institute here, or here to find an Effective Therapist.